Coatsworth, David, Steven Shareshian, Kirk Ellis, Michelle Ashford, Tom Hooper, Paul Giamatti, Laura Linney, Stephen Dillane, Danny Huston, David Morse, Sarah Polley, Tom Wilkinson, Clancy O'Connor, Rufus Sewell, Justin Theroux, and David G. McCullough. John Adams: Disc One. New York, N.Y.: HBO Video, 2008.
Since I have a horrible cold, I'm spending 4th of July weekend in bed. Thank goodness for television. (My head hurts too much to read.) I've been watching the HBO John Adams series all morning. The program is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book by David McCollough. I must have dozed off during U.S. History class because I never really grasped until now the enormous influence John Adams had in the American Revolution.Here are some great children's books about the second president of the United States of America and his brave, outspoken wife, Abigail:

ps. I love that the last line of the official White House online biography on Abigail Adams has a link to where you can "learn more about Abigail Smith Adams's spouse."