Monday, April 21, 2008

Belle and Sebastian & Prefab Sprout

The Life Pursuit. N[ew] Y[ork] C[ity: Matador, 2006.

I just discovered the Scottish pop band, Belle and Sebastian. (They've actually been around for a while. I just wasn't paying attention.) Listening to The Life Pursuit album is a lot like playing Name That Tune. Almost every track starts off sounding like an old classic, and it's fun to try to remember the song titles. For example, White Collar Boy sounds like Personal Jesus, and To be Myself Completely is Maxine Nightingale's disco hit, Right Back Where We Started From.

It's really fun to sing along with Belle and Sebastian. The back-up vocals make me think of Wendy Smith's ( Prefab Sprout) sweet singing.

And speaking of Prefab Sprout . . .

Here's one of my favorite songs from one of my all-time CD's: "Looking for Atlantis" from the album,
Jordan: The Comeback. (My very favorite song is Wild Horses, but I couldn't find a good video for it.)

Even more about Prefab Sprout:

Do you remember the old Facebook chain where you answer questions about yourself with the titles of songs from one artist? Here were my results:

Prefab Sprout (Musical group). (1985). Two wheels good. N.Y.: Epic.

Pick Your Artist: Prefab Sprout
Are you male or female: The Ice Maiden
Describe yourself: The King of Rock and Roll

Presley, E., Moore, S., & Black, B. (1955). Elvis Presley CD. New York, N.Y.: RCA Victor.

How do you feel about yourself: Couldn't Bear to be Special

Describe where you currently live: Looking for Atlantis
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Hey Manhattan!
Your best friend is: Moondog

Your favorite color is: Blueberry Pies
You know that: Life's a Miracle
What's the weather like: Green Isaac
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: The Wedding March

What is life to you: Horsin' Around

What is the best advice you have to give: Knock on Wood
If you could change your name, what would it be: Faron Young

ps. The Parson Red Heads, remind me a lot of Prefab Sprout. My brother David Swensen played on a couple of their albums.