The critics absolutely loved the newest book by Pulitzer Prize winning author, Jeffrey Eugenides. Publisher's Weekly put it at the top of their Best Books of 2011 list.

If you went to college in the 1980's, you will especially like this book. It brings back memories of all those silly comp lit discussions about semiotics, deconstruction, and "coming to voice."
"Mr. Eugenides brings the period into bright detail—the brands of beer, the music, the affectations—and his send-ups of the pretensions of chic undergraduate subcultures are hilarious and charmingly rendered" --Sam Sacks, Wall Street Journal
“No one’s more adept at channeling teenage angst than Jeffrey Eugenides. Not even J. D. Salinger . . . " --Michiko Kakutani, New York Times
And speaking of Teen Angst . . .
To learn more about The Marriage Plot, check out NPR's interview with the author.
To learn more about The Marriage Plot, check out NPR's interview with the author.