Believe it or not, puppetry can be serious business. (The University of Connecticut's School of Fine Arts even offers a BFA degree in puppetry!) Here are some academic books about puppetry:
Harris, John Wesley. The Traditional Theatre of Japan: Kyogen, Noh, Kabuki, and Puppetry.
Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.
Jurkowski, Henryk, and Penny Francis. A History of European Puppetry. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 1996
Bell, John. American Puppet Modernism Essays on the Material World in Performance.
New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
Blumenthal, Eileen. Puppetry: A World History. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Publishers, 2005.
Herbert, Mimi, and Nur S. Rahardjo. Voices of the Puppet Masters: The Wayang Golek Theater of Indonesia.
Jakarta: Lontar Foundation, 2002.
Ewart, Franzeska G. Let the Shadows Speak: Developing Children's Language Through Shadow Puppetry.
Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, England: Trentham Books, 1998.
*Bryant, Jill, Catherine Heard, and Laura Watson. Making Shadow Puppets.
Kids can do it. Toronto: Kids Can Press, 2002.
Puppetry and children's librarianship go hand in hand. Puppets are a great way to bring children's literature to life, and they also help develop narrative skills in early learners. Here are some incredible puppeteers who have performed at our library:

Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.

New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.

Jakarta: Lontar Foundation, 2002.

Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, England: Trentham Books, 1998.
Here are some more entertaining titles:
Anderson, Dee. Amazingly Easy Puppet Plays: 42 New Scripts for One-Person Puppetry. Chicago: American Library Association, 1997.
Spinney, Caroll, and J. Milligan. The Wisdom of Big Bird (and the Dark Genius of Oscar the Grouch): Lessons from a Life in Feathers.
New York: Villard, 2003.
Nathanson, Bob, and Robert Garber. The Diary of a Doll Wiggler: A Bob's-Eye View into the Wacky and Wonderful World of Puppetry.
North Vancouver, B.C.: Charlemagne Press, 2008.

New York: Villard, 2003.

North Vancouver, B.C.: Charlemagne Press, 2008.

Kids can do it. Toronto: Kids Can Press, 2002.
Puppetry and children's librarianship go hand in hand. Puppets are a great way to bring children's literature to life, and they also help develop narrative skills in early learners. Here are some incredible puppeteers who have performed at our library:

Thanks to a generous grant from the Charles P. Ferro Foundation, tomorrow we are offering an amazing program for teenagers and adults:

Pablo Cano and Jim Hammond's DOG:
A Deceptively Simple Surreal Shadow Puppet Show
A Deceptively Simple Surreal Shadow Puppet Show
"The images in DOG range from playful to emotionally powerful. This deceptively simple shadow puppet play leads us through reinterpretations of 10 great works of art, in a surreal, non-linear world."
I can't wait!
I can't wait!
*The instructions in the book Making Shadow Puppets are excellent, but mine are even easier.

You will need these supplies:
*thin cardboard
*desk lamp or flashlight
*cereal box
*sheet of thin white paper
*drinking straws
How to make puppets:
* Draw or trace a puppet shape directly onto the cardboard.
* Cut the puppet shape out of the cardboard.
* Tape a straw to the back of each puppet piece.
How to make a stage:
*Cut a large rectangle out of the front and back of a cereal box.
(Don’t throw out the rectangles. You can use them to make
more puppets!)
*Turn the box onto its side.
*Tape the paper over the front side of the box.
(This side will face your audience.)
*Shine a light out from behind the stage.
Now you are ready to put on a show!
*thin cardboard
*desk lamp or flashlight
*cereal box
*sheet of thin white paper
*drinking straws
How to make puppets:
* Draw or trace a puppet shape directly onto the cardboard.
* Cut the puppet shape out of the cardboard.
* Tape a straw to the back of each puppet piece.
How to make a stage:
*Cut a large rectangle out of the front and back of a cereal box.
(Don’t throw out the rectangles. You can use them to make
more puppets!)
*Turn the box onto its side.
*Tape the paper over the front side of the box.
(This side will face your audience.)
*Shine a light out from behind the stage.
Now you are ready to put on a show!