Thursday, March 12, 2009

Just a few of my favorite female bloggers

Wendy sent me this award today. (Thank you!) The Lemonade Stand is given when someone really enjoys your blog. Here's how it works:

1. Paste the logo onto your blog.
2. Nominate 5 - 10 blogs.
3. List and link the nominees.
4. Leave a comment about this award on their blogs.

My Pink Lemonade Winners:

1. Wendy from Moments Like This for her cheerfulness and generosity. She once sent me a copy of her husband's fantastic CD for children, Wiggle Like a Fish.

2. Carleen Brice from The Pajama Gardener for her award-winning books Orange Mint and Honey, and Children of the Waters. (She's written a bunch of other great books, too.) I also enjoy Carleen's other blog, White Readers Meet Black Authors: Your Official Invitation to the African American Section of the Bookstore. I get a kick out of that blog's URL,

Brice, C. (2008). Orange mint and honey: A novel. New York: One World/Ballantine Books.

3. Alyson from New England Living for her eloquent writing and gorgeous photographs. I live vicariously through my friend, Alyson, who lives in my home state of Connecticut.

4. Laurie from Want to Hear Something Weird? for being my very first blogging friend. She is from my husband's hometown of Beaumont, Texas and she has a wicked sense of humor.

5. Lorna from Lorna in Wonderland for her wonderful slant on life.

6. Lilly from Lilly's Life for all of her encouragement. Her compliments always make my day.

7. Just a Plane Ride Away is a fascinating blog by a Texas artist who lives in England now.

8. Life is a PB Sandwich for her excellent taste in music.

9. Derfina from Life in the River for her quirkiness.

10. Barry Summy for writing the year's best book for tweens, I So Don't Do Mysteries.

Summy, B. (2008). I so don't do mysteries. New York: Delacorte Press.